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The Zeebah Autism Center Toys for Tots 2020

January 13, 2021 | 0 Comments

On Friday 18th December 2020, officers of the United States Marine Corps under the auspices of the United States Embassy were at The Zeebah Foundation’s pilot centre- The Zeebah Place Abuja – to donate gifts for children of the centre, courtesy of their ‘Toys for Tots’ program.

Ms Carine Ogbe, the premises manager and Behaviour Therapist-in-training gave the officers – Aaron Weber, Luis Quinonez & Curtis Bailey – a tour of the facility, received the donated items and thanked them on behalf of The Zeebah Foundation’s Board of Trustees, Management & Staff.
Worthy of mention is that this is not the first donation of its kind received from The US Marines who are also our corporate partners.
We use this opportunity to thank them for their continued support to The Zeebah Foundation and wish them a particularly rewarding year ahead.



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