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Testimony: Story of Uthman

April 24, 2019 | 0 Comments

Our son Uthman is 14 years old and is in Grade 6. He started therapy with The Zeebah Place (TZP) in February 2014 when he was 9 years old. Before that time we had tried other places and although they had tried their best for our son, we have not been to any place that the therapists are so diligent, attentive to detail and patient like TZP.

Although at the time and age Uthman joined TZP he already knew his letters and numbers, we were impressed at how he improved generally within a short period of time. We are grateful for the therapists’ ability to support and develop his curiosity in Mathematics. We are very satisfied with the level of complexity of Mathematics, English and other social skills taught. Uthman now solves problems with relative dexterity.

In general terms, we are satisfied with TZP’s overall focus on issues that are of immense benefit to our son’s needs. Your clinics and programmes have matched what we had hoped our son would be exposed to and achieve presently.

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